“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Friends against wind — Together against wind turbines
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Last update: August 24, 2023
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Sick from infrasound, they fight against wind turbines
Paid $200,000 per year to host 19 turbines, they give evidence of the impacts of noise on their health
Giant asparagus spears are ruining our lives
Peter Jelbart's submission to the senate inquiry
Sick since a wind park was installed
Unexplained medical emergencies and illness. As in the case of increased medical emergencies, accidents, and psychological symptoms with foehn (hot southerly winds on the northern slopes of the Alps), the same is true for residents near wind turbines.
No, wind turbine noise is not damped by the ground!
All wind turbines in Hesse in Germany must be checked because of the noise they make.
The Other Side of Green Energy: The Negative Impact of Wind Turbines
“The health of all my employees and ourselves became very impacted from the emissions of the wind turbines’ infrasound and low frequency noise.”
800-pound gorilla Big Wind
“Before you sign away your rights to peaceful, quiet, country living; talk to someone who lives close to one of these Noise Generators.”
Wind turbine nightmare
74-year-old Pat Spence from Barrhill in Ayrshire has to drive somewhere quiet to be able to sleep after her home was surrounded by more than 180 wind turbines.
“My 101st formal complaint to AGL”
“I feel I have lost 4 years of good health and well-being between 2012 and 2016, unwillingly being subjected to the impact of infrasound and low frequency from AGL’s 140 turbines.”
Wind Energy War: Jeff’s and Sandy’s testimonies
Evidence of seizures, stomach surgery, blind donkeys, night and then day, have to be guided to food, five dead dogs, etc.
“I can’t enjoy outside anymore”
Investigations of possible infrasonic acoustic oscillations on properties were requested in 2015 by neighbors living in El Paso County, Colorado, in the vicinity of the newly constructed Golden West Wind Facility.
Carrick pensioner forced to give up dog and move to caravan after wind farm hell
“For the past 10 years it has constantly bothered me and never gone away, it sounds like an aircraft landing when the wind picks up.”
Wind and Health by Nathan Brown
Twelve-year-old Nathan Brown created this video documentary on wind turbine infrasound.
“During the time that the wind turbines were off ALL OF MY SYMPTOMS went away.”
Shirley Wind Shutdown On/Off Case Crossover Testimonies.
“As a physical therapist I am extremely worried about the noise produced by large wind turbines”
“When we understand that human can hear and feel the low frequency noise, the symptoms residents feel close to wind turbines should not be underestimated.”
The ultimate insult
“The ultimate insult of having gone through this, to having fought for our home and lost, to losing faith and trust in any authority [...] is to have it happen to even more families in our area and globally because it continues.”
“Vibrations of my house, and of the whole valley”
“The walls of my house vibrate as if a compressor would be against the walls. So there is a continuous buzz... ”
“There is no escaping the torture from infrasound emissions from industrial wind turbines.”
“I would like to ask one question of the WHO: Under what circumstances would the WHO condone torture?”
“I live about 10 kilometres from the windmills. I thought I would be safe. I was wrong.”
“Please take the infrasound fact seriously when reviewing the Environmental Noise Pollution Guidelines for Europe.”
Wind turbine stress
“Badgers suffer from stress caused by wind turbines. Yes. Humans do, too.”
“Thank you, John.”
Sonia's home is only 620 m from the nearest 2 MW wind turbine, one of 29 at the site...
“Polish wind farm victims believe the future is now”
“With Bavaria’s highest court which has just upheld the state’s hotly contested 10 H wind turbine permitting rule, good chances are Poland will also get rid of its 'ill wind'.”
Life beside wind turbines
Cape Bridgewater resident Sonia talks about life beside wind turbines.
Wind turbines and health: “When it can happen to animals, it can happen to humans too!”
Statement by Kaj Bank Olesen at the public meeting in Isenvad, Denmark on November 25, 2015.
“The effect of the turbines on our lives has been devastating.”
Michael and Dorothy Keane from County Roscommon speak about living beside two 100 metres high wind turbines.
Residents says some children are allegedly receiving nosebleeds from wind turbines
An engineer who works on several turbines admitted to the public that most statements made by consultants that residents will “never hear” the large fans are dishonesties.
A wind energy enthusiast and a wind lease holder both learn a hard lesson
In this video, they speak about how their experience does not match their expectations.
Wind turbines force them to sleep in cellar
“Humans must come before machines and not machines before humans.”
One kilometre from wind turbines: "I am forced to go and sleep somewhere else"
Resident’s account sent to Senator Hélène Lipietz (safety distances between wind turbines and local residents' houses).
Sick from infrasound, they fight against wind turbines
“You cannot smell it, you cannot see it, and you cannot really hear it but maybe it still drives some people crazy.”
Paid $200,000 per year to host 19 turbines, they give evidence of the impacts of noise on their health
“If we had to buy another property, it would not be within a 20-kilometre distance to a wind farm.”
Giant asparagus spears are ruining our lives
In Germany, wind turbines have turned countryside sites into industrial areas. Do we want the same in our country?
Ill-informed opinions build on wind farm ignorance
A heartfelt letter by Melissa Ware in response to a previous ignorant comment.
Peter Jelbart's submission to the senate inquiry
“I can live in the shadows of a wind farm, I can put up with the industrialisation of the landscape. The thing I can’t handle is not being able to sleep at home.”
“It’s a disaster”: Family affected by windfarm’s turbine flicker
Derek Byrne and his family live around 330 m from wind turbines, and say that a ‘flicker’ is causing them major problems.
David Mortimer tells the suffering he is experiencing from wind turbines
He is interviewed by Richo + Jones on Sky News
Wind turbine torture at Millicent, South Australia
David Mortimer: Open Letter on our wind farm experiences
What is the effect of wind turbines on pregnant women and their babies?
Valentina makes an impassioned plea to save her baby from wind turbines.
David Mortimer's testimony
The National Wind Power Fraud Rally - June 18, 2013 - Australian Parliament House