“During the time that the wind turbines were off ALL OF MY SYMPTOMS went away.”
Shirley Wind Shutdown On/Off Case Crossover Testimonies.
The following statement, and the twelve case crossover testimonies that follow, were submitted to the Brown County (Wisconsin) Board of Health on September 13, 2016, by Barbara Vanden Boogart, Vice-President of BCCRWE (Brown County Citizens for Responsible Wind Energy).
September 13, 2016
Dear Members of the Brown County Board of Health,
In late July 2016, all of the Shirley Wind turbines were shut down for several consecutive days and nights - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and part of Thursday, July 25-28. Not only were the wind turbines not operating during this timeframe, it also appears that all electric power to the wind turbines was also shut down for some or all of this timeframe, as evidenced by the fact that the red warning lights on top of the wind turbines were not illuminated during one or more of these nights. Also it was observed that work was being performed on the Shirley Wind substation during this timeframe.
After the wind turbines resumed operation during the day of Thursday, July 28, 2016, a number of Shirley Wind residents described what they experienced during this shutdown period when they were not exposed to any wind turbine emissions as compared to what they experience when the Shirley Wind turbines are operating and they are exposed to the wind turbine emissions. They then had their statements notarized.
These case crossover testimonies of several Shirley Wind turbine residents are attached and are being submitted with permission of the authors.
BCCRWE requests that members of the Brown County Board of Health, Human Services Committee, and Board of Supervisors consider the gravity of this evidence and testimony that appears supportive of not only a relationship between wind turbine emissions and adverse health effects to Shirley Wind residents but also confirms that the Brown County Board of Health’s “human health hazard” declaration is appropriate and that remedial action is needed to protect these adversely affected Brown County residents. Prior Shirley Wind resident testimony and acoustical experts’ ILFN test measurements at Shirley Wind, together with the vast body of professional documents that have been submitted, further support the relationship between Shirley Wind turbines and the adverse health effects reported by Shirley Wind residents.
Barbara Vanden Boogart
Vice President: Brown County Citizens for Responsible Wind Energy (BCCRWE)
Dear Members of the Brown County Board of Health,
From July 25th, 2016 until July 28th, 2016 the Shirley Wind Turbines were turned off for unknown reasons. During this time period my health increased dramatically. Prior to the wind turbines being turned off I had various health issues.
I have had headaches that would last for hours and would only subside when I would go in the basement. I have had to sleep in the basement on a temporary mattress due to sleep disruptions from wind turbines. When I would sleep in my own bed, the turbines would wake me every 2 hours and in some cases would keep me awake at 4 am for an hour to an hour and a half. This lack of sleep started to disrupt other areas of my life where it was effecting my job and mental alertness. I have had nausea, vertigo and tinnitus at times within the past 5 years. I have never had any problems with my ears or any other physical condition that would have caused this.
During the time that the Wind Turbines were off ALL OF MY SYMPTOMS went away. I could finally sleep in my own bed. I slept less and woke up earlier with more energy throughout the day. It was as if a great weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I was more coherent and able to think clearly throughout the day. I didn't have any stomach or headache issues.
When the Wind Turbines came back online - The headaches returned that night. I started feeling nauseous that evening and was forced to return to my temporary bed in the basement because of the ill effects I was experiencing. My husband and I have a very close and loving relationship. The separate sleeping situation may be a relief for those who have a strained/unloving relationship, but I cherish every day I have with my husband and my family since he has returned from Afghanistan. I hope and pray every day that eventually we can get our health back and return to our old routine when the turbines are turned off.
Pamela Schauer
Denmark, Wisconsin
Dear Members of the Brown County Board of Health,
From July 25th, 2016 until July 28th, 2016 the Shirley Wind Turbines were turned off for unknown reasons. During this time period the health of my family increased dramatically. Prior to the wind turbines being turned off my three sons had various health issues.
Michael- had difficulty sleeping (couldn't sleep and waking up exhausted), experience heart pain and anxiety attacks (both of which would go away as soon as he left our property and area), and stomach problems.
Alexzander - would have headaches, stomach problems and wake up tired.
Lance- would have severe headaches, stomach problems, and wake up tired.
During the time that the Wind Turbines were off ALL OF THE SYMPTOMS for all three boys went away. They woke up earlier than normal, with less sleep and had more energy throughout the day.
When the Wind Turbines came back online - All three boys had trouble waking up the next morning. Alex had headaches and nausea/stomach pains right away. Lance experienced headaches so severe he spent the next day in the basement. Michael had problems sleeping again.
Benjamin Schauer
Denmark, Wisconsin
September 10th, 2016
Statement of Wind Turbine distress
While wind turbines are in operation, I am nervous, jumpy, cannot concentrate well. I am most dizzy if I bend over to pick something up from floor. During the days the turbines were shut down, I was relieved of this nervous energy affecting me. I was able to work in garden July 26th & 27th without feeling dizzy as I pulled weeds. I did not need to take a break to sit down. No extra headache for 3 days. I came home from volunteer jobs and was able to think. When wind turbines are running I come home and need to lay down. What a difference a Day makes!
Dora Ashley
Depere, Wisconsin
To whom it may concern,
In regard to the turbines when they were shut down it was like heaven to get to sleep at night. There was also none of my days bumping into the hall walls feeling light headed. Now it is like it was before when they were running especially when they face our place.
We used to have birds around and now there isn’t any.
Jeanette Aschenbrenner
Depere, Wisconsin
To the County Health Dept
When the turbines were down my wife and I had no problems to go to sleep. I live just over a mile from them. It is sad we can’t enjoy our new home like we did before. Now that they are running again we are back to problems especially when the turbines are facing our house.
Why should people be punished because they are too conjested in a small area.
Bob Aschenbrenner
Depere, Wisconsin
To the health department,
I have to say it sure was nice to have the Shirley Wind turbines off towards the end of July. I sleep great! Since the turbines were turned back on, I have not had a full or good well rested night of sleep. I wake up way before my alarm goes off at 4:30 am and am tired all day. By 6:30 at night I am falling asleep sitting in the chair. I told my husband that when I retire I will not live here. I do not want to be home all day with them running. I am lucky enough that I get a 9 hr break from being around them Monday-Friday. I am lucky if I get 6 hours of sleep on a good night.
With all the issues people are having when will something be done?
Rita Gagnon
Depere, Wisconsin
When the windmills were down from July 25 to July 28 I noticed some different in my feelings. I wasn’t anxious all of the time. When the windmills are running I will wake up and lay there in bed worrying about anything or everything. Sometimes I get up & wander about the house.
In August I went to Texas from Aug 16 to Sep 4th. While I was there I didn’t have the anxious feeling. Slept better during that time.
Terry R. Desotelle
Denmark, Wisconsin
I am writing concerning the dates the wind turbines were turned off in Glenmore while they were working on them. My symptoms are normally ear ringing and waking up during the night. The period they were turned off I had no ear ringing at all. I have also noticed for a while now that when I go up north for the weekend the ringing goes away until I return and they start to ring again. I recently had heart surgery for Afib. The doctor had to shock my heart to get it back into rhythm. As for now I am doing very well with my Afib and still under my doctors care. It was an awful feeling when I wasn't breathing right because of my heart being out of rhythm.
Mark Baugnet
Denmark, Wisconsin
Decision Makers;
My name is David Enz, my residence is located at 6034 Fairview Rd Denmark, WI.
July 26,27, and part of 28 I spent several hours at the house doing some cleaning and maintenance work. I didn't experience adverse health effects because the turbines were not turning but was somewhat apprehensive because I didn't know when they would start up again. It only takes a few minutes after they start up for me to be affected and if you have ever experienced how awful that feels you would understand. I share this so you know it's not the building or property that causes my health symptoms. I don't have the head pressure, blurred vision, eye pressure. etc. unless the wind turbines are operating.
David Enz
Denmark, Wisconsin
Whomever is concerned;
Last week July 25-28th I spent time at the home I been driven from due to ear pain, head pressure, unsteadiness, and other adverse health sensations I begin to experience shortly after the startup of the Shirley wind turbines in 2010. I am on record with more detail about this but am sending this to inform you I experienced none of these sensations during the time the turbines were down. I have been to the house this summer when the turbines started up before I left and did experience them then.
I can provide more detail if you want me to.
Rosemary Enz
Denmark, Wisconsin
Brown County Board of Health:
I, Darren Ashley, travelled through the Shirley Wind Farm and spend time at our previous residence at 3820 Schmidt Rd, De Pere, WI on July 26th, 2016. While I was there, the wind turbines were not running and I did not experience any ear pain or pressure and I didn't get a headache.
Previous to this, the week of June 20th, 2016, I had made several trips through the wind farm, and experienced severe ear pain and pressure, headaches for well over a week and an overall malaise. I avoid the area at all costs, experience no ill effects while the turbines are not running and suffer ear pain, pressure, and headaches, travelling through and spending time in the area of the wind turbines.
I have witnessed the same experiences over the last five years and have shared these findings with local, county, and state authorities.
Thank you,
Darren Ashley
Previously residing at:
3820 Schmidt Rd
Depere, Wisconsin
To Whom It May Concern:
Relative to the recent shutdown of the Shirley Wind Turbines from July 25-28, 2016 - I reside at 6215 County Road W, Greenleaf, WI 54126, approximately 1.5 miles from the turbines off School Road. When the turbines are running, I experience an uncomfortable increased pressure in my temples resulting in headaches. While the turbines were shut down during that time frame, I did not have the problems, however they resumed once the turbines were started up.
Jerilyn J. Fletcher
Greenleaf, Wisconsin