Last update: August 24, 2023

Global Wind Day June 15, 2015 World

Global Wind Day

It will be celebrated June 15, 2015, actually World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, as per United Nations’ resolution A/RES/66/127. Pirating that day, the wind lobby shows little respect for the elderly.

In reality, it will be:

Global Wind Scam Day

'Greening' the land

This cartoon explains why wind turbines are a scam: wind power is intermittent, i.e. useless.

But the collateral damage is real:

  • Wind turbines emit dangerous infrasound (1)
  • Wind turbines massacre birds and bats (2)
  • Wind turbines slash property values
  • Wind turbines kill tourism
  • Wind electricity costs 3 times as much
  • Wind turbines make electricity too expensive
  • Wind turbines destroy jobs (3)

On June 15, 2015, disinformation agents will be mobilized worldwide to make believe wind turbines are useful, cheap, harmless to birds and people, good for property values and great for tourism and the economy — DON’T BE FOOLED!

Our thanks to Josh, author of the cartoon -


1 – Health professionals worldwide are sounding the alarm about the ill effects of infrasound emitted by wind turbines:

2 – Wind turbines massacre birds and bats by the million each year:

3 – The rising cost of electricity destroys 900 jobs at Alcoa plants in Spain:

4 – Feel free to contact us if you need more data or studies on these matters.

Global Wind Scam Day | June 15, 2015